All posts tagged Performed Exhibition

Horniman Museum

Lea will be in residence at The Horniman Museum in partnership with The Place from 16th -20th September 2019, in conversation with people from all departments researching ways to work with the museum in the future.

Trying It On in Bristol

Hand In Glove: Interview In Tilt Magazine


Photos Of Hand In Glove

Photos by Pau Ros of Hand In Glove Exhibition. Pau has photographed the work of The Cholmondeleys and The Featherstonehaughs many times and it was great to see him at the V&A museum.

Blog from Babycakes Romero on Hand In Glove


Photo Pau Ros

Hand In Glove

Hand In Glove at the Victoria and Albert Museum ended today.

Thanks hugely to everyone who made this amazing project happen.IMG_3151


Hand In Glove at Duckie Tonight

DSC_0136xThree excerpts from Yippeee!!! will be presented at Duckie at The Royal Vauxhall Tavern at 11pm tonight, performed by students from London Contemporary Dance School. These fragments will form part of the Hand In Glove, performed exhibition at The V & A museum next weekend (Friday 22nd 6-9pm, Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th 1-4pm)

Hand In Glove

Preparation has begununspecified-4

Photo Pete Moss